Adding Photos

1. To add a photo to a listing:

      A. For a Newly Saved Listing

         Once the listing is saved, click Add/Edit Photos from the Button Bar, then go to Step 2.


       B. For an Existing Listing

           From the main menu bar, click the Input tab.


If you are an Agent…click Edit existing 
to search for the listing, or use the Select 
a Listing drop-down menu, or type the the 
MLS#, then click Edit
If you are Support Staff…click Edit existing to search for the listing, or use the Select an Agent drop-down menu, then the Select a Listing menu beneath that, or type the MLS#, then click Edit.
mceclip2.png mceclip3.png

Click Manage Photos.


Click the Browse button to locate the listing photos then drag your cursor over multiple images (or
CTRL and click individual images) to select the ones you would like to upload.


2. Once photos have been uploaded, click and drag the thumbnail title bars to reorder the photos.


Note: The front exterior photo should display in the Primary slot.
Note: Photos outlined in red indicate lower than recommended dimensions (1024x768).

3. Click any photo to enlarge it and add a description. Click Enter description beneath the photo, type
the description, then click Done, then click Save.


4. Click Certify and Save when done.

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