Hit Counters

The “My Hit Counters” feature can be used to view the activity level for your listings. The system updates your numbers each night, and shows the total number of hits since first listed (they do not reset).

  1. Mouse over My Matrix
  2. Click My Listings
  3. Click the drop-down list and look for My Hit counters
  4. OR From the Home Page go to My Listing panel and look for My Hit Counters


There are eight hit counters. Hover over the column name to learn about each one:


  1. Client Portals: The total number of portals your listing has reached, by auto or direct
    • What does this mean? When you email from Matrix, the listings are added to that contact’s “Client Portals” counts the total number of times your listing has ever been emailed from Matrix, and is a great number to use for overall activity.
  2. Client Views: Total number of full display views by consumers in their Portals. Whether your listing was received by a direct email, or via an auto email, every single view of the “Client Full” display increments this number.
    • What does this mean? This number is how often clients have clicked on your listing in their portal and viewed the full listing details.
  3. Client Favorites: Number of Consumers presently declaring your listing as a
    • What does this mean? This number counts how many times your listing is in a client’s “favorites” tab in their portal.
    • Why did the number go down? If the client removes your listing from their favorites tab, then the number will go down when Matrix recalculates your hits each night.
  4. Client Possibilities: Number of Consumers presently declaring your listing as a
    • What does this mean? This number counts how many times your listing is in a client’s “possibilities” tab in their portal.
    • Why did the number go down? If the client removes your listing from their possibilities tab, then the number will go down when Matrix recalculates your hits each night.
  5. Auto Emails: Total number of Auto Email searches that presently match your
    • What does this mean? This number counts how many Auto Email searches that other agents have created in Matrix that are bringing up your listing.
    • Why did the number go down? If the agent changes their search criteria or deletes their search completely, then this number will go down when Matrix recalculates your hits each
  6. Agent Published: Total number of Auto Emails that found your listing, and the agent clicked approve/send.
    • What does this mean? Out of the Auto Email searches that are bringing up your listing, this is the number of times that other agent choose to send your listing to their client’s
    • Why did the number go down? If the agent changes their search criteria or deletes their search completely, then this number will go down when Matrix recalculates your hits each
  7. Agent Rejected: Total number of Auto Emails that found your listing, but the agent clicked reject, and didn’t send.
    • What does this mean? Out of the Auto Email searches that are bringing up your listing, this is the number of times the other agents have chosen not to send your listing to their client’s portal.
    • Why did the number go down? If the agent changes their search criteria or deletes their search completely, then this number will go down when Matrix recalculates your hits each


  1. Do Hit Counters show the total number of views or are they a unique count?

    Both. "Client Views" returns the TOTAL views for this listing in a Full Display. For example, if a customer views your listing 10 times, then this will be count as 10 views. Where MLSs have opted to include view counts in the previous 7 or 14 days, these are UNIQUE views.

  2. Can I see how many times my listing has been viewed in an IDX site versus within Matrix?

    Yes, views of full listings within IDX are tracked.

  3. Can I find out which agents have clients who have viewed my listings?

    No. It is up to the client’s agent to decide if and when to contact you if they want more information or to schedule a showing. You can still use the Reverse Prospect feature to find agents with auto emails where your listing is a match.
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