Matrix 360 Displays

Matrix combined listing and tax data in April 2019 in the Agent Full 360 Display.

  1. Log into MLS
  2. Open Corelogic Matrix.
  3. Point to Search, click Residential.
  4. Enter criteria (Example – Sold, Area 303, $300+).
  5. Click Results.
  6. Click a Listing# or change the Display to Agent Full 360 Display.

Click Tabs at top to see more information about this property – Listing, Tax, Photos, History, Parcel Map, Flood Map, Foreclosure. If there is no information available, the tab will gray out and can’t be clicked.


  1. Check properties then click Print. The system will remember the selections last used for that Property Type. Hold the Ctrl key to add other reports to print with it (ie: Buyer Full).


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