Statistics are available in many different areas of the MLS. Click here for samples from March 2020 (most are for Lakewood, OH)
- has a Stats option on the menu with monthly reports by entire MLS and broken down by counties
- Matrix
- Search Results have a Stats button under Actions with a Tabular report
- By Checking the Search Results you want to see Statistics for, you can click Print then scroll to the bottom of the list to make a selection
- 1004 MC Reports
- Area Market Survey
- Market Report
- Market Analysis
- MLS Statistics
- Stats from the top menu lets you select a Report type and Search Criteria - remember this will automatically include all property types so if you only want Residential you will need to make that selection. After clicking Generate, the Chart will appear with an option to change to the Data tab at the top right corner.
- Number of Active listings vs Sold
- Price/SqFt
- Sale Prices
- Sales in different Price Ranges
- Market Reports have options depending on your role at your company. Most members will just have Agent Production & Inventory, Managers will have Office Production & Inventory, and Brokers will have Firm Production & Inventory