Realist 2020 update


Video from Brent Adams 4/21/20


What to Know: 

An updated, flash-free, version of Realist started on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.  This new environment has a responsive and modern user interface while maintaining a familiarity which makes it easy to learn and use.  This new platform has been well received with other Realist customers across the country.  This upgrade will eliminate the need for the Realist Mobile app on your tablet or smartphone.


What to Do: 

Here’s some links to the videos introducing the New Realist: 

4/13:  An Introduction To The New Realist (6 minutes)

4/14:  How To Use The Realist Search Tools (6 minutes)

4/15:  Working with Realist Search Results (7 minutes)

4/16:  Exports and Mailing Labels in Realist (6 minutes)

4/17:  Understanding The Realist Property Detail Report (6 minutes)


Who to Contact: 

If you have any questions, please contact the MLS Help Desk at 216-485-4100 ext. 480.

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