Status Change

Status changes must be made to listings in Matrix within 2 business days. Sold status is the only exception and must be completed within 14 days of the recording date.  For change requests, you may have the seller use our standard form but it is not required as long as the address, requested change(s) and signature are included in their request.  Complete the requested changes and keep the request on file.   If the MLS requests information for an audit, respond within two business days.

  1. In Matrix, click Input
  2. Either enter the MLS # to edit or click Select a Listing (if you have access to edit listings from other branch offices/agents, you will need to select the office/agent also)
  3. Click the appropriate status change requested by the seller
    • Change to Active (Back on Market)
      1. Used if seller had a listing Temp Off Market and is ready to show again
      2. Used if a Mutual Release is obtained for a Purchase Agreement
    • Change to Under Contract ALLOW Showings
      1. Used if seller accepts a purchase contract but would like to continue to show the property for
        backup offers
    • Change to Under Contract NO Showings
      1. Used if seller accepts a purchase contract but does not want to show the property any longer
        (it must be in this status prior to moving to sold)
    • Change to Temp Off Market
      1. Used if seller (for any reason) does not want to show the property for a period of time (no
        time limit) – the Back On Market date must be entered in the Broker Remarks formatted as BOM mm/dd/yyyy
    • Change to Withdrawn
      1. Used if the seller no longer wants to sell the property; the BROKER decides if the Listing Agreement is either Released and will display in Matrix as (WR) or Not Released (WNR)
    • Change to Expired
      1. Used if a Purchase Agreement falls apart to remove the listing from Under Contract Expired
    • Change to Sold
        1. Used once the title transfers and the deed is recorded with the county
        2. This option will only display on properties that are in the Under Contract No Showings status

      Click Submit Listing

      1. Look for any error messages and resolve any issues then try to click Submit Listing again
      2. You should see a successful message
  • Preview and Print updated listing showing new status
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