Process changed 12/5/23 - an approval # is required
Comp Only Listings can be placed in the MLS by the brokerage firm that represented the buyer as long as the following requirements are met:
- The property does not have a listing (Note: you cannot use Comp Only to track listings that were listed as office exclusive or opted out of the MLS.)
- Check the system to make sure the property has not been listed during the terms of your Comp Only listing. If it has, you cannot enter as a Comp Only.
- The listing must have a title transfer date within 14 days of entry (effective 2-1-19).
- If the entry is beyond 14 days of title transfer a $50.00 processing fee will be charged.
This is not a waivable charge.
- If the entry is beyond 14 days of title transfer a $50.00 processing fee will be charged.
- Since there is no Exclusive Right to Sell or Exclusive Agency agreement the following information should be used for the required entry fields:
- List Agent – Enter Buyer’s Agent ID (MLS staff will change this to Non-Member)
- List Date – enter the date of the purchase contract (earliest date on the contract).
- Expiration Date – the date established in the purchase contract as the performance date (terms) or the following date of the day you are entering the listing. (System will not allow list date and expire date to be the same)
- Required Fields – all required fields must be filled in. Please use information as shown on the Auditor’s site or provided by owner or agent.
- List Type – use Comp Only for the list
- Broker Remarks – Display “Entered for Comp Purposes Only” in the Broker Remarks field.
- Upload Primary Photo - Before changing the status, you must add a primary photo for Single Family, Condo and/or Multi-Family property types. Primary photo is the front view of the property.
- Preview listing and click REQUEST COMP ONLY APPROVAL#.
- Complete the questionnaire with the Purchase Agreement, Agency Disclosure and Closing Disclosure/Hud/or ALTA and wait for a response email from
- If approved, Change to Active, Change to Under Contract No Showings – use the contract date, which is the same as the list date. Then immediately,
- Change to Sold
- Closed Date – use the title transfer date.
- Closed by – Select Comp Only in the Closed By field.
- MLS staff will override the listing office/agent to reflect non-member since there is no listing side.