Hot Sheet

Hot Sheets provide information about recent market activity in your chosen market areas. You can have a total of 10 different Hot Sheet formats.

  1. Navigate to the Hot Sheets widget on the Matrix This is where you will both create and run your hot sheets. The Hot Sheets widget already contains one generic hot sheet for each property type.
  2. To create a hot sheet, click the Customize
  3. Select the property type for your new hot sheet, then click Add. Enter a name for the hot sheet {Hint: include a property type code as part of the hot sheet name - e.g. Bay Village – Res.} Click Save when done.
  4. Click the Edit Criteria button on the Manage Hot Sheets Select your criteria, click Save at the bottom, then click Done on the previous screen.
  5. To run a hot sheet, navigate to the Hot Sheets Select the timeframe from the dropdown menu. Then click the hot sheet you wish to run.
  • New Only – only shows listings that are new/changed since the last time the user ran a hot
  • This Session – shows all listings that are still a match since the last time the hot sheet was run in the current session, plus any new/changed listings (e.g. if a user logs in at 9:00 am and runs the hot sheet and sees 50 listings, then later within that same session runs it again, this option would show them those same 50 listings plus any new/changed listings since 9:00 am).
  • 24 Hour, Today, 3 Days, 7 Days – only shows listings that are new/changed in the specified timeframe.
  • Custom – allows the user to set a custom date or time range (for today) within the last 30 days. [Note: custom date or time settings are one-time settings that will need to be re-defined each time a hot sheet is run.]
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