1. Run a search. Check off the listings you wish to print from either the Map tab or the Results tab.
2. From the button bar at the bottom of the screen, select Actions and click Print.
3. A multi-purpose report selection screen will appear. Click the desired report format. Ctrl+click to
select multiple formats.
- Print agent header & footer: If you’d like to include your personal header, click the “Print agent header & footer” checkbox. [Note: Selecting this option will include the Matrix Presentation Header you created in My Matrix > Summary > Settings > My Information > Header & Footer.]
- Print with roll-outs (if any) open: If you’d like to print property history and additional photos along with the report. [Note: This is only available for Agent Full.]
- Print search criteria: If you’d like your report to include the search criteria you used to arrive at this set of listings, check the “Print search criteria” checkbox.
- Exclude Listing Photos: If you’d like to save ink by excluding listing photos from your report(s), check the “Ink Saver…” checkbox.
- Print All Tabs: If you’d like to print the Realist Tax info, all Photos, History of Listings, Sales, Mortgages and Foreclosures, Parcel Map, Flood Map and Foreclosure Details.
From the Button Bar at the bottom, choose from the following:
- Back to Results: Returns you to the listing(s).
- Email PDF: Sends an email with a link to a PDF of the report(s) you selected.
- Print to PDF: Generates the same PDF as an email recipient would receive but displays it on the screen for you to view, print or save.
- Preview: Use this button in advance of the Print button to see what your report will look like.
- Print: Use this button to send your report(s) directly to paper.