Tips, Tricks & Timesavers


  1. To open a New Session:
    1. Using Internet Explorer, press Ctrl+N.
    2. Using any browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari), right click on the Home tab and choose either “Open in New Tab” or “Open in New Window”.
  2. To search for commonly misspelled streets, use the wildcard * (asterisk):
    1. Example entering Street Name lake*shore will find listings with the address spelled as lakeshore (all one word) or lake shore (as two words)
    2. Example Street Name *303 will find listings on State Route 303, St Rt 303 or SR 303


  1. To exclude an item from a search, use the exclamation point ! before the entry:
    1. Example !Rockside will eliminate listings on that busy street from the search
  2. To search numeric fields:
    1. For a minimum # of bedrooms, enter 3+
    2. For a maximum price, enter 100-
    3. For a price range, enter 140-190
  3. To select multiple items like Areas, click and highlight the first then hold Ctrl on the keyboard as you click each additional item.
  4. To erase an item that was selected, hold Ctrl on the keyboard as you click the item again to deselect it.
  5. To search for a first floor master bedroom, choose Search-Residential, select areas, prices and for Detailed Room Info select Master Bedroom then for the Level select First.
  6. To search in the remarks/broker remarks, use the wildcard * (asterisk) before and after each phrase:
    1. Example *bank*,*hud*,*foreclose*,*short sale*,*as is*
  7. To search all property types, hover over Search and choose Cross Property.
  8. To set default criteria, select what you use most often like Sold, Single Family in Lorain County, then click the gear icon (at the top right, below Results) and click Set currently selected search criteria as my starting default.


  1. To select listings:
    1. check the individual boxes next to the MLS#, or
    2. click one of “All, None, Page
    3. check the box at the top left to select only those visible on that page

(Note the number of listings displayed/found and the number checked at the top left corner. If you were trying to print All listings, you should see for example 1-25 of 37 and Checked 37. If it only says Checked 25 then you have only selected those that are visible on the first page. Click ALL to get all 37 to print.)

  1. To remove unchecked listings, click Refine then click Narrow.
  2. To eliminate specific listings before starting the auto emails or mapping, check the properties you would like to remove, click Refine then click Discard.
  3. To change the default number of listings per page, click the down arrow by 25 and highlight 300. Click the gear icon (at the top right, below Results) and click Set current display, sort order and count per page as my Search starting default.
  4. To setup a Client Portal with auto emails, choose Search-Residential, select areas, prices, click Results, click Save (to the right of Actions), click New Auto Email (the maximum # of listings for each auto email is 500 listings).


  1. To add photos/disclosures/open houses/virtual tours, click Input then Select a Listing. Click Manage Photos, Manage Open Houses, Manage Supplements or Manage Virtual Tours.
  2. To move pictures to a different order, go to Manage Photos and click above the picture on the SLOT # and drag to the preferred order (not on the photo itself).
  3. To view hits, click My Matrix and select My Listings choose from the drop-down My Hit Counters.
  4. To print your listings, click My Matrix and My Check All then click Print, select a report format, click Print.
  5. To copy a listing, click Input, Add New, select property type, click Fill from Existing tab and enter the old MLS#. After submitting, click Add/Edit Photos to then also copy the pictures choose Click here to import (COPY) photos from another listing and enter the old MLS#.
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